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NFSUB Header Linkups

Linkup is a multiplayer co-operative free roam event in Need for Speed: Unbound introduced as part of Volume 3 and is available in the multiplayer Lakeshore Online mode.

Events can appear at any number of possible locations periodically across Lakeshore and players can initiate an available Linkup event by driving into its highlighted zone.

A Linkup event requires players to complete 4 successive rounds of objective based phases within an establish location boundary and a limited amount of time. The objective goals set during a Linkup scale to the number of players participating and can accommodate up to all 16 players within a free roam session.

As participating players complete each round, the difficulty escalates as objectives becoming more elaborate and an increasing response by the Lakeshore Police Department.


NFSUB MapIcon Linkup

A Linkup can only be accessed when available at one of seven free roam locations, which become available periodically across Lakeshore, and are open to all players in a free roam session as well as allowing the use of any performance tier.

Once available, a Linkup event is highlighted on each player's map and can be accessed for 3 minutes. Within those 3 minutes, any player can drive into a Linkup event's highlighted zone and initiate the event, which will trigger a 60 second countdown, and the event will begin once the countdown ends.

Players can freely join and leave a Linkup event once it has begun although rewards are withheld until the event's completion.


NFSUB Linkup Rounds

Each Linkup is has 4 rounds, with each round being made up of a varying number of phases, and each phase having a varying number of objectives.

Completing all objectives within a phase will complete that phase, completing all phases of a round will complete that round, and completing all four rounds of a Linkup event will complete that Linkup event.



As players complete rounds, they will also gain heat as they progress through a Linkup event, which will persist after the Linkup has concluded.

As more players gain more heat, the Lakeshore Police Department will deploy a greater number of units as well as escalating the effectiveness of their response.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 4, Phase 3

Heat Level 1


Heat Level 2


Heat Level 3


Heat Level 4


Heat Level 5


NFSUB Linkup Phases

A phase has a list of objectives for players to complete, although the number of objectives within a phase differs depending on the player's current round and phase within that round, as progressing to higher later rounds and later phases within rounds will increase the number of objectives per phase.

A phase can only be completed once all objective goals within that phase have been beaten within the given time limit. Failing to beat all the objectives within a phase will end the Linkup event.


NFSUB Linkup Objectives

Objectives set for a phase vary depending on the current phase and round, but all objectives set can be competed co-operatively.

Some phases can set multiple objectives with varying difficulty, as some may involve one task whilst others may compound together with multiple tasks needed for completion.

All set objectives for a phase are shown on the left-side of the player's HUD with descriptions for each objective and a completion bar.

Completed objectives are marked with a tick next to their objective description.


NFSUB Linkup PointsContribution

Each objective has a criteria that needs to be met for players to earn points towards that objective's completion. The amount of points required to beat an objective varies depending on the current phase, round, and the number of players participating in a Linkup event.

Players need to earn points towards each objective within a phase by contributing towards each objective's criteria.

NFSUB Linkup PointsEarned

The overall progress towards completing an objective is shown within an objective's completion bar with three colours:

  • Grey - Remaining amount of points needed for completion
  • White - The player's own contribution towards an objective's completion
  • Green - The contribution of all other players within the Linkup towards an objective's completion

as well as the white section of an objectives completion bar noting their overall contribution.

NFSUB Linkup PointsBanked

Points are added towards an objective's goal by meeting its criteria, which is noted in the objective list for each phase.

Players are informed they are contributing towards an objective with callouts shown in the middle of their HUD:

  • White callouts indicate the player is earning points towards an objective
  • Green callouts inform the player their points have been added to the objective's total
NFSUB Linkup Deduction

Points are deducted from objective goals if players are busted by the LPD or if they wreck their vehicle whilst at a damage critical state.

Deducted points are shown to the player that caused the deduction with a red callout in the middle of their HUD with a negative point value.

Other players in the Linkup are not directly informed of the points deduction, but all goal completion bars will have points removed and completed objectives within a phase may need to be completed again.


NFSUB Linkup TopPlayers

At the end of each round, the top three contributing players are shown with their avatars and overall contribution percentage.

The top players are based on their contributions towards objectives in all phases of a round.


A Linkup ends either upon players completing round 4 or if they run out of time for their current round.

The amount of bank and XP rewarded to a player at the end of a Linkup is based on the number of rounds they have contributed towards and completed. To earn the maximum possible reward, players will have to completed all 4 rounds of a Linkup.

Once a Linkup event has ended, players are rewarded with XP towards their level for a current Speed Pass, but any bank rewarded is withheld until they can escape the LPD.


There are fourteen Linkup locations throughout Lakeshore.

Seven locations were introduced with the release of Volume 3, and were possible locations for Linkup events until the release of Volume 4, upon which a different set of seven possible locations were introduced and replaced the prior seven locations, although all fourteen were made available together with the release of Volume 5.

