Need for Speed Wiki
Need for Speed Wiki
NFSUCPS2 ModeIconHeist

Heist is a player versus player game mode in Need for Speed: Undercover along an enclosed area.

A total of $50,000 is separated into different cash bags that are scattered across an enclosed area. To win, the player must accumulate more cash than their opponents by collecting cash bags and taking them to their safe house. Players can takedown other players to steal their cash bags.

All of the available events of heist are available at the start of the game.


Type Name Start Location
Heist Exhibition Arena Palm Harbor
Heist Industry Arena Port Crescent
Heist Sunset Ward Arena Sunset Hills
Heist The Narrows Arena Sunset Hills


Development - Some content may have altered during development.
  • Despite not being available in the PlayStation 2 release, the events exist in the game files.
  • The game mode works in a similar way to the cut Cash Grab game mode in Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
